Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Planned vs Unplanned holidays?

We all face the question of whether we should plan a holiday or just see where the breeze takes you.

Maybe we should also differentiate planning from preparing a holiday. I think every holiday requires preparation. But there is a difference between putting petrol in the car, and checking the oil, and from working out where you are going to be at 12 noon tomorrow, and deciding where you are going to eat and stay. I think there is a difference between making a hotel booking and printing out a list of possible places you can stay at. Such planning means nothing if you dont have some constraints:
1. Some idea of what you want to do
2. Some idea of where you are going to go

So what are the benefits of a planned holiday?
1. You have everything organised
2. You dont waste time
3. You have certain expectancies - but these might threaten you. eg. That pre-paid flight you missed, or your favour hotel, which was under renovation, or that special beach, which was decimated by a recent storm.
4. Plans are by necessity a simplification of life. Trying to follow them can only simplify your life experience.

So what are the benefits of a prepared holiday?
1. You are more flexible
2. You have no expectations
3. You are less likely to be disappointed
4. You are more likely to be surprised

There is no question you need to prepare. You need to sleep somewhere, so if you dont anticipate 'no vacancies' you will disrupt rather than enrich your holiday experience. But these issues need not bind you if you plan your holiday accordingly. eg. Taking a campervan allows you to stay almost anywhere. But thats not to say you should. Its just so you have the choice.